Local Non-Profit Agency and Talk Show Serving Persons
With Disabilities & Seniors Celebrates 20 Years

Redford, MI: Today, the “Just Ask “Foundation, Inc., a
Michigan 501(c)3 non- profit organization that advocates for
persons with disabilities and the elderly, announced that they have
reached the vicennial mark in serving the community.

The “Just Ask” Foundation and the “Just Ask” talk show were both founded by Detroit native Marsha Florence. Marsha was diagnosed with severe hearing loss at the age of five, but did not receive the support that she needed until she was 22 and had given up on achieving her goals. It was only after a friend suggested that she reach out to a state agency who provided her with her first set of hearing aids and the support that she needed to re-enroll in and complete college did Marsha begin to thrive. Upon her completion of college, she made the decision to give back. She gave back as a social worker and job placement specialist for the vulnerable and disenfranchised and she eventually took her platform to television. It was a labor of love for Marsha who worked two jobs for over ten years to support her vision. A vision that birthed out of not only her experiences, but her philosophy that instead of staring, wondering or being afraid, we can “Just Ask.”

When people ask The “Just Ask” founder why she works so tirelessly to assist the elderly and disabled persons, she says, “I know what it is like to be different, to be labeled and to be mistreated. I also know what it is like to need help and not have it and not know where to go. I promised myself that when I got the chance, I would help somebody else.” And she has been doing just that for the past 20 years. Perhaps, most notably with the “Just Ask” Talk Show, which has aired for the past 18 years on local access station CMN (Community Media Network) located in Troy. Serendipitously, this year the “Just Ask” Talk Show has been invited to the local PBS station and will also air on Wednesdays at 5:30am.

Although 20 years strong, “Just Ask” founder Marsha Florence still feels like “this is just the beginning. There is so much more that we would like to do; so many more conversations and collaborations that need to be started so that our elderly and disabled persons can enjoy the same quality of life that everyone else does. With that said, we welcome help and support from all arenas to come and join us”

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