This column will appear for informational purposes only. We intend to talk about employment related issues and questions about the work in today’s world.
Self-Employment and Small Business opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Persons with disabilities represent a population that, in many ways is well suited for self-employment. Some persons with disabilities are “born to own a business”. Other individuals with disabilities arrive at self-employment or choose to own their own businesses because disability related issues may make it difficult to work for someone else.
The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, Michigan Rehabilitation Services ( MDLEG-MRS) assist persons with disabilities to re-enter the job market, which includes persons interested in becoming self-employed or owning their own business. Please understand that owning your own business is not for everyone. It takes commitment, desire and perseverance.
MRS has developed a step by step procedure, to assist persons with disabilities who are eligible for services, that are interested in self-employment or small business as a vocational goal. The small business step by step procedure is designed to increase an individuals possibility of success in self-employment and or small business. An outline of the step by step procedure includes the following:
- I) MRS agency orientation session
- II) Eligibility determination
- III) Small Business informal and formal evaluation
- IV) Development of an individualized small business training program based on the informal and formal evaluations

- V) Small business community resources coordination and networking
- VI) Small business plan development and implementation
- VII) Business start-up consultation and assistance
- VII) Post start-up technical assistance
If you would like additional information on MRS call toll free at 1-800-605-6722 or 1-888-605-6722 (TTY). You will be asked to enter your ZIP code. Your call will then be automatically connected with the MRS office nearest your location.
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