Kimberly Batchelor Davis is a fundraiser, event planner and soon to be author of her first published novel titled “An American Jewel.” She volunteers with the Southwest Detroit Community Recreation League, The American Business Women’s Association, National Association of Female Executives, Southwest Detroit Improvement Association, Patton Park Advisory Board and the Detroit Area Residents East Association.
Kimberly enjoys giving back to the community in any way that she can. It is her personal belief that “When much is given, much is expected in return.” She is a lifelong resident of the City of Detroit and believes that the City of Detroit can only grow through the help of it’s citizens. Everyone has a responsibility to their community to make it better. If you have a skill or a talent it should be used for the betterment of society. This is my mission to engage everyone in working Together to make my community the best place that it can be. Kimberly will feature a series of articles titled “Helping Hands to build bridges for a better tomorrow” on volunteerism.